The League in 2010

Rufus F.

Rufus is a likeable curmudgeon. He has a PhD in History, sang for a decade in a punk band, and recently moved to NYC after nearly two decades in Canada. He wrote the book "The Paris Bureau" from Dio Press (2021).

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23 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Every time I read one of Kuznicki’s, I said “oooh, I like this one more than the last one!” If I had to pick ONE, I’d pick either Truth Without Falsification, The Next Step, or A 4/20 Reminder (but I don’t know if I picked that last one so I could say “you know who else remembered 4/20!!!” so let’s just go with those first two).

    For Kain, I liked Red Families, Blue Families and Folk Wisdom and the Tyranny of Experts.

    For Thompson, We Hate Big Government, Except When We Don’t and Once More into the Liber-al-tarian Breach were fun (Thompson’s September post was written by Kain, though).

    I loved your Harlan County, USA, The Polls and the Polis, and The Trouble with the Culture Wars posts.

    Ridgley’s Some Noise About Signals, Education & Other Likely Stories was downright precient, wasn’t it? Damn. I have to vote for that one too.

    Payne’s Living in the Love of the Common People was really, really good too…

    The Architecture of Modernity & the Joy of Science was a great intro from Schaengold (whatever happened to him?)

    I also enjoyed pretty much everything Kraemer wrote, but if I had to pick one thing, Liberalism is Elitism would be it.

    And I should stop lest my comment look ever more like your post.Report

  2. My preference is going to be for posts that are less topical and more universal. So….
    Starting with the obvious one(IMHO), the Lisa Kramer piece on the personal and political is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing ever put up on this site.

    The Kuznicki posts you selected were well-chosen. I especially love the Armistice Day post and the Truth Without Falsification post. And, of course, the Managed Ignorance post is legend.

    The JL Wall Springsteen/Reagan post is fantastic. But I would say that.

    For our fearless leader, Mr. Kain: Limits and Liberty; Homogenization and the State(not my post) are both quite good. Red Families, Blue Families is excellent, and Blogging as Conversation is almost a mission statement for this site.

    Scott Payne’s (not my) interview with Freddie is a good candidate- no anthology of this site would be complete without a Scott Payne interview.

    For Will, I like the Age of Ideological Uncertainty

    Schaengold’s Architecture and Modernity piece

    Dierkes’ resurrection piece

    Your Polls and the Polis and Harlan County USA posts are excellent

    For my own contributions, “Once More Into The Liberaltarianism Breach” and “Sacrificing Ideology at the Altar of Culture” are my favorites, though I’m also proud of the back and forth with Erik on Geography and Politics.Report

    • Rufus F. in reply to Mark Thompson says:

      It’s funny- ever since I first had this idea, Lisa Kramer’s piece on the personal and the political was the first post on my mind. I do hope we can track her down and get her permission.

      You also had the same choices as me for Schaengold and Wall.

      I agree with you and Jaybird about Kain’s pieces although I’d like to vote for his post on fatherhood as well.Report

      • Mark Thompson in reply to Rufus F. says:

        Aye- what she lacked in quantity, she made up for by a factor of 1000 in quality.Report

      • Mark Thompson in reply to Rufus F. says:

        Also – between your selections here and my ongoing project to do the same for 2009, I’m recalling how much I loved Chris Dierkes’ writings on theology, which should say a lot given my agnostic/atheistic leanings.  If only the man could have been better at coming up with post titles (do NOT get Will started on that topic!)…

        He has a piece that I thought was 2010, but now realize was 2009 on The Meaning of Water and Wine (which even has a good title!) that is permanently burned into my memory.Report

    • Patrick Cahalan in reply to Mark Thompson says:

      I’m a big, big fan of Truth Without Falsification.

      This is *really* hard, by the way.  Damn you and your good idea, Rufus.Report

  3. Stillwater says:

    Rufus, the amount of research-energy that went into this reveals a labor of love! I wish I could make suggestions, but I wasn’t around back then.

    Also, what ever happened to T. Comstock? I conversed with him only once about ‘rainy day money’ and never saw him here again. I feel some guilt that maybe I drove him off.Report

  4. Rob in CT says:

    I just wanted to pop in and say Damn! I hate the fact that this site is blocked from work.  That’s been the case for, oh, maybe a year or more now.  I miss the conversation here (though not quite enough to show up on nights/weekends, apparently.  In my defense, I do have a 2 year old).


  5. E.D. Kain says:

    And Rufus, thanks for this.Report

  6. Jason Kuznicki says:

    From my own posts my favorites are as follows:

    “Profession of Faith,” which explains better how I think about public intellectualism than anything else I’ve ever written.

    Perry, Hayek, and Immanent Critique,” provided that we strike the first three paragraphs.

    “Anomie Domine.”  If not this one, my third absolutely must be a dialogue.

    “The Price of Bibles” makes little sense in isolation from the rest of the conversation where it came up.Report

  7. Rufus F. says:

    I’ve struck a bunch of the titles from the record. This is still tough.Report