Little Match Girl Passion.


William Brafford

William Brafford grew up in North Carolina, home of the world's best barbecue, indie rock, and regional soft drinks. He just barely sustains a personal blog and "tweets" every now and then under the name @williamrandolph.

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7 Responses

  1. Not having been there it’s hard to comment, except to say your write-up points out the importance of framing in setting your audiences expectations.Report

  2. Avatar Jason Kuznicki says:

    a choral work that on a first listen sounds to an untutored ear like something Arvo Pärt might have written.

    Your notion of the “untutored ear” is rather demanding, I suspect.Report

  3. Avatar Boegiboe says:

    The sort of ambling entrance you describe is something usually meticulously rehearsed beforehand, in my not-too-extensive experiences with choral groups. When the effect we wanted in a Columbus, Ohio, group I sang with was to draw the audience in emotionally, we often did just this sort of randomized arrangement of bodies and voices.

    Which is to say, you are precisely correct.

    Living so close to Baltimore myself, I should really check this place out. Thanks for the review!Report

    • I was sitting in the very back, so I heard the music director conspiring with the staff to make sure they didn’t ruin the effect by doing the usual thing with the house lights.

      I should have mentioned — An die Musik is not just a performance space; there’s also a record store on the first floor. So even if there’s no concert, you can still browse the selection of classical/jazz/world music and chat with the proprietor.Report

  4. Avatar Heidegger says:

    William, sounds heavenly! When I first saw the words, An die Musik, I immediately thought you must have been to a recital of Schubert Lieder—and An die Musik is one of the most gorgeous songs ever composed by this musical wonder of the universe. I’m not familiar with the music you heard tonight but after your excellent description, I certainly intend to. Your comparison of it to Pärt makes me even more curious and interested. And his Spiegel im Spiegel is forever mesmerizing—it draws you in and won’t let go until the very last note!
    A piece of music that draws from the St. Matthew Passion and reminds you of Pärt, is something I must buy, forthwith! Thanks for the review.

    p.s. Just picked up a great recording of Uchida performing Schubert’s D. 960 (his last piano sonata)—GET IT!! You’ll be delirious with joy–just a great, great recording.

    p.p.s. Ever hear Richter’s recording of WTC? Bach, in his hands, can cause hallucinations of a dancing Sebastian dervish–worth checking out. See ya.Report

  5. Avatar kevin shannon says:

    I’m glad that you enjoyed the performance space. What you don’t learn being in the audience is how An Die Musik does to not compensate their performers. I am a classical musician (in fact, I have performed with 3 of the singers that you saw), and I have performed at An Die Musik before . Although it is a nice performance space, I don’t think I’ll perform there again, because An Die, in my opinion, does not pay the musicians fairly. This is a shame, because it does a disservice to an already struggling classical music scene.Report