The New York Times scrubs article in favor of FBI

Barrett Brown

I am the founder of the distributed think-tank Project PM and a regular inactive to Vanity Fair and Skeptical Inquirer. My work has also appeared in The Onion, National Lampoon, New York Press, D Magazine, Skeptic, McSweeney's, American Atheist, and a couple of newspapers in the U.S. and Mexico as well as a few policy journals. I'm the author of two books and serve as a consultant to various political entities and private clients.

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6 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    I have told this story in the past. I will tell it again to you now… in the hopes that you will internalize it and remember it the next time it may be relevant.

    My grandfather asked me “do you want some candy?”
    I said “yes! I want some candy!”
    He slapped me upside the head and told me: ” Don’t Trust Anybody.”


    Don’t trust anybody.Report

    • Barrett Brown in reply to Jaybird says:

      I’m not entirely sure what lesson you’re trying to teach me or in what context, although I certainly enjoy these sorts of koans. Perhaps you could you spell it out for me?Report

  2. tom van dyke says:

    I am constantly reminded that there remain a great number of people who still believe that the media in general and The New York Times in particular operate under a conscious and deliberate agenda by which to undermine America and its government.

    Nonsense. That would imply consciousness and deliberation. The management and op-ed folks operate purely out of the visceral. They undermine America out of acculturation.

    The news division remains ace, although mindful of their jobs. If you ever want to know the truth from an NYT article, just read backwards: the truth is buried in last 5 paragraphs, continued on p. 32. Only fools take their truths from the first 5 grafs. For the mindful reader, what’s above the fold is an ideological mulligan. We understand these people need to keep their jobs.Report

    • Barrett Brown in reply to tom van dyke says:

      Well, I agree with you that the deficits of the NYT are due to something other than ideology – largely careerism, a sort of establishment “seriousness,” and the various other factors that come into play within any such institution, and will have more to say on the subject later as my next book hinges in large part on those sorts of dynamics.Report

  3. tom van dyke says:

    Should you make a study of the first 5 paragraphs of an NYT story vs. the last 5, I’m confident you will have more than enough for a useful and honest book. Cheers.Report

  4. BenSix says:

    I am constantly reminded that there remain a great number of people who still believe that the media in general and The New York Times in particular operate under a conscious and deliberate agenda by which to undermine America and its government.

    Thus to define the boundaries of acceptable liberalism? (Ie. “What do you mean Mohamud might not have said that? Are you some kind of nut? Even the Liberal New York Times…”)Report