Nicholas Capaldi and the Red Tories (because when we talk about Blond we do so in triplicate)

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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3 Responses

  1. Jivatman says:

    Tocqueville is of course, always a fascinating character. I’m not sure if Blond has read “Democracy in America” or not, but I’m guessing he would share many of his sympathies.

    It seems one of the things that fascinating Tocqueville most was how much the power of the state was concentrated in local communities, and the rest in the state, with very little at all in the federal government.

    Is Blond a Federalist? Federalism, I understand. I am a libertarian but my truly strong and enduring love is federalism.Report

  2. Rufus says:

    I couldn’t get past “people who have not made the transition to individuality” without thinking, “the therapist will see you shortly”. God what a smug paragraph that is! “Those incomplete individuals… I pity them really. They just… fear success”. Ten bucks says his parents were rich.Report

  3. Stanley says:

    Nicolas Capaldi criticizes Phillip Blond for describing “what a new economy should accomplish but not how” but then does exactly the same himself by failing to “address how individuals can pursue their personally chosen objectives” when the control of economic resources is unequal. It’s as though he is completely blind to the understanding that capital is power. Why else would the Democrats and Republicans so assiduously court the moguls of Wall Street? Clearly there is a difference between “selfishness” and “self-interest” which is why human beings attempt to use associative forms of decision making to identify the “mutual interest”. Capaldi doesn’t really seem to recognize that we might benefit if the representative forms of associative decision making found in the state and monopoly and minority capitalism are skewed away towards more participative forms. Like it or not this is the central thesis of Phillip Blond’s argument and Capaldi doesn’t recognize it and consequently avoids addressing it whilst ED Kain falls into the camp of half-recognizing it but damming with faint praise.Report