Some Real “F”ers
Andrew Sullivan posts this video: Violence Warning. Sullivan is creating a series (more here, here, and here). Second warning–the last link in that series is particularly horrific. I’ll simply link to them but not...
Andrew Sullivan posts this video: Violence Warning. Sullivan is creating a series (more here, here, and here). Second warning–the last link in that series is particularly horrific. I’ll simply link to them but not...
So a while back I posted on the art of magic in fiction. I asked readers what they recommended for some good fantasy reads, and the result was a pretty long list of suggestions,...
I’ve been trying to catch up on what happened over the weekend in Iran, and is continuing to happen now. One thing that I’ve noticed is just how little we seem to know and...
Here’s a good resource for Iran-related twitter updates/photos etc. Right now, lots of tweets asking Twitter not to shut down for maintenance tonight. Let’s see if new media management is as responsive as the...
The Big Picture has some amazing, startling photos up on the protests. Momentum is building. This is certainly not just any protest. This is game-changing. I remain optimistic.
A reader writes into Andrew Sullivan saying that the violence in Iran is entirely the work of the Basij (militias) and related paramilitaries, vigilantes, goons, etc. That so far the police and army are...
There’s a fairly wide consensus building that the Iranian election results were fraudulent. Much speculation exists regarding the who, why, etc. John Holbo wonders why the apparent fraud was so crudely done. It’s a...
It has to be said: we are probably not going to see a democratic revolution in Iran. There is every reason to believe Ahmadinejad will remain in power in the near future. That wouldn’t...
This is what I kept thinking this weekend: if I wasn’t online, an avid blogger and reader of blogs, and if I didn’t frequent the New York Times, I wouldn’t know a damn thing...
The best sites to follow continue to be: Andrew Sullivan, Michal Totten, The Lede @NyTimes, and Nico Pitney (@HuffPo). Today’s events have for the moment swung momentum to the side of the revolution/reform. The...
So here’s Bill Maher doing this thing and directing it at Obama. I think it’s good that Obama get some real criticism from his left, but still I just have to my roll my...