Ross Douthat’s “Vertical Moment”
It appears Ross Douthat is filling the void left by Bill Kristol at the New York Times. I was hoping this would be the case, when initial speculation over Kristol’s replacement began to be tossed around. I know David Frum’s name was floated – by whom I can’t recall – but I think Ross is a much better choice. Ambinder writes:
Ross is late-twenties-year-old public intellectual with the sensibility of a 60-year eminence grise, the range of a Hitchens, the pitch of a conservative AJP Taylor, the conscience of a Neibuhr and the intellectual honesty of his frequent sparring partner, Andrew Sullivan.
Very true. Andrew writes that it will be a ” a boon to intelligent conservatism.” The Times will give Ross a far greater reach, and will also hopefully strengthen the ranks of thinking conservatives in America – something this country badly needs. Yes, “intelligent conservatism” exists. No, it hasn’t been on display these past few years, outside of relatively small niches (The Atlantic is still quite small when compared to The Times). Now, as Ambinder says quite well, “one of the greatest minds in the country has one of the world’s best megaphones.”
I couldn’t have said it better and so I won’t. Best of luck to Ross in his new gig, and congratulations!