Contrarianism for the Sake of Contrarianism (or: The Virtue and Vice of Partisanship in a Post Partisan World)

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8 Responses

  1. Kyle E. Moore says:

    Damn it, and after taking that long to write, I still think I missed something… ah well, at least if I’m incomplete, it will generate discussion I hope.Report

  2. E.D. Kain says:

    Kyle, at the bottom of the post editor is the “Series” selection. When you start a new series you can just add a topic and that way others can respond within that topic…Report

  3. Kyle E. Moore says:

    Ah… okay.Report

  4. Kyle E. Moore says:

    Wait, are you saying I should have wrote this whole thing as a start of a series, or I should have broken it up into several posts in a single series? I mean, I’m done with the topic now, unless someone else wants a piece.Report

  5. Kyle – I set up the series. Now I just need to figure out where to go with my response….Report

  6. Freddie says:

    Wait, are you saying I should have wrote this whole thing as a start of a series, or I should have broken it up into several posts in a single series? I mean, I’m done with the topic now, unless someone else wants a piece.

    I think he just means that you should put it into a named series for our system, not that you should have broken it up into pieces.Report

  7. E.D. Kain says:

    What Freddie said.

    And Kyle, really good piece. Got the proverbial cogs turning, in any case…Report

  8. Kyle E. Moore says:

    Thank you kindly sir.Report